11th Annual GYS Holiday Light Decorating Contest
11th Annual Holiday House Decorating Contest
Sponsored by:
Groveland Youth Soccer
All homes within the Town of Groveland, MA are welcome to participate.
Entry Fee: Just asking for Donations
Mail to P.O. Box 44 Groveland MA 01834 attention GYS. Checks should be made out to GYS.
Registration will close 12/19/24
Judging will take place on the evenings of Friday Dec. 20th and Saturday Dec. 21st, via online (link will be posted on our website grovelandsoccer.org and social media).
The Categories!!!!
1. NOSTALGIC (most old fashioned, best reminds me of my childhood display)
2. CLARK GRISWOLD (excessive use of outdoor lighting and decoration)
3. MARTHA STEWART WOULD BE PROUD (tidy, extremely orderly)
The winners from each Category will Have Bragging Rights for the Year!!
All entries locations will be shown on a map and will be available by Dec. 20th.
You will be able to download the map from our website Grovelandsoccer.org and social media.
Please join us in this great tradition in Groveland!!!!